University of California
UC Master Gardeners of Placer County
Curious Gardener Newsletters
Spring 2018 Curious Gardener newsletter
Enjoy this SPRING issue of the Curious Gardener and don't forget to take advantage of FREE research-based gardening advice at our Master Gardener HOTLINES in Placer (530-889-7388) and Nevada (530-273-0919) Counties. You can also submit questions and attach a picture at either of our websites as well. Like us on FACEBOOK!
In this issue:
- Buying Compost? Ask the ROTLINE!
- Placer County Master Gardener GARDEN FAIRE - April 14, 2018 - Rocklin, CA
- Low Tech Solution for Toxic Soils
- The Vitamin B1 Myth
- Hotline FAQs and Insect Trivia
- Lady Beetle life cycle photos - know the stages to identify the good guys!
- Plant Growth Regulators
- Placer County Mother's Day Garden Tour
- Arboretum All Star: Isomeras arborea
- Nevada County Master Gardener Spring Plant Sale - May 12 in Grass Valley
Kevin Marini
UCCE Placer and Nevada Counties
Home Hort and Composting Educator
Master Gardener Programs Manager
530-889-7399 (Auburn ROTLINE)
530-273-4563 (Grass Valley)
Download Newsletter (1,201KB PDF)